Interior Props
- Interior props listed here can be used with enableInteriorProp, disableInteriorProp and isInteriorPropEnabled functions on client-side.
- Interiors without ID should be got from getInteriorAtCoords.
Michael's house
- V_Michael_M_items
- V_Michael_D_items
- V_Michael_S_items
- V_Michael_L_Items
- V_Michael_M_moved
- V_Michael_D_Moved
- V_Michael_S_items_swap
- V_Michael_L_Moved
- V_Michael_M_items_swap
- V_Michael_FameShame
- V_Michael_JewelHeist
- Michael_premier
- V_Michael_plane_ticket
- burgershot_yoga
- V_Michael_bed_Messy
- V_Michael_bed_tidy
Michael's garage
- V_Michael_Scuba
Franklin's aunt's house
- V_57_GangBandana
- V_57_Safari
- V_57_FranklinStuff
- V_57_Franklin_LEFT
Franklin's house
- showhome_only
- franklin_unpacking
- franklin_settled
- progress_tshirt
- bong_and_wine
- progress_flyer
- progress_tux
- locked
- unlocked
Strip club
- V_19_Trevor_Mess
Floyd's house
- swap_clean_apt
- layer_mess_A
- layer_mess_B
- layer_mess_C
- layer_sextoys_a
- layer_wade_sh*t
- swap_wade_sofa_A
- layer_debra_pic
- layer_torture
- swap_sofa_A
- swap_sofa_B
- layer_whiskey
- swap_mrJam_A
- swap_mrJam_B
- swap_mrJam_C
- Hospitaldoorsanim
- Hospitaldoorsfixed
Simeon's dealership
- csr_beforeMission
- csr_afterMissionA
- csr_afterMissionB
- csr_inMission
- shutter_open
- shutter_closed
Trevor's trailer
- V_26_Trevor_Helmet1
- V_26_Trevor_Helmet2
- V_26_Trevor_Helmet3
- V_24_Trevor_Briefcase1
- V_24_Trevor_Briefcase2
- V_24_Trevor_Briefcase3
- V_26_Michael_Stay1
- V_26_Michael_Stay2
- V_26_Michael_Stay3
Lester's sweatshop
- Jewel_Gasmasks
- V_53_Agency _Overalls
- V_53_Agency_Blueprint
- V_35_KitBag
- V_35_Body_Armour
- V_35_Fireman
Stilt houses
- Stilts_Kitchen_Window
Fib buildings
- V_FIB03_door_light
- V_FIB02_set_AH3b
- V_FIB03_set_AH3b
- V_FIB04_set_AH3b
Low end clothes shop
- ClothesLowCHEAP
Mid end clothes shop
- ClothesLowHipster
Ammunation with firing range
- GunClubWallHooks
Regular ammunation
- GunStoreHooks
CEO Office
Interior ID: Varies, use Interior::getInteriorAtCoords.
- office_booze
- office_chairs
- swag_art
- swag_art2
- swag_art3
- swag_booze_cigs
- swag_booze_cigs2
- swag_booze_cigs3
- swag_counterfeit
- swag_counterfeit2
- swag_counterfeit3
- swag_drugbags
- swag_drugbags2
- swag_drugbags3
- swag_drugstatue
- swag_drugstatue2
- swag_drugstatue3
- swag_electronic
- swag_electronic2
- swag_electronic3
- swag_furcoats
- swag_furcoats2
- swag_furcoats3
- swag_gems
- swag_gems2
- swag_gems3
- swag_guns
- swag_guns2
- swag_guns3
- swag_ivory
- swag_ivory2
- swag_ivory3
- swag_jewelwatch
- swag_jewelwatch2
- swag_jewelwatch3
- swag_med
- swag_med2
- swag_med3
- swag_pills
- swag_pills2
- swag_pills3
- swag_silver
- swag_silver2
- swag_silver3
- cash_set_01
- cash_set_02
- cash_set_03
- cash_set_04
- cash_set_05
- cash_set_06
- cash_set_07
- cash_set_08
- cash_set_09
- cash_set_10
- cash_set_11
- cash_set_12
- cash_set_13
- cash_set_14
- cash_set_15
- cash_set_16
- cash_set_17
- cash_set_18
- cash_set_19
- cash_set_20
- cash_set_21
- cash_set_22
- cash_set_23
- cash_set_24
CEO Garage
Interior ID: Varies, use Interior::getInteriorAtCoords.
- garage_decor_01
- garage_decor_02
- garage_decor_03
- garage_decor_04
- lighting_option01
- lighting_option02
- lighting_option03
- lighting_option04
- lighting_option05
- lighting_option06
- lighting_option07
- lighting_option08
- lighting_option09
- numbering_style01_n1
- numbering_style01_n2
- numbering_style01_n3
- numbering_style02_n1
- numbering_style02_n2
- numbering_style02_n3
- numbering_style03_n1
- numbering_style03_n2
- numbering_style03_n3
- numbering_style04_n1
- numbering_style04_n2
- numbering_style04_n3
- numbering_style05_n1
- numbering_style05_n2
- numbering_style05_n3
- numbering_style06_n1
- numbering_style06_n2
- numbering_style06_n3
- numbering_style07_n1
- numbering_style07_n2
- numbering_style07_n3
- numbering_style08_n1
- numbering_style08_n2
- numbering_style08_n3
- numbering_style09_n1
- numbering_style09_n2
- numbering_style09_n3
CEO Garage Mod Shop
Interior ID: Varies, use Interior::getInteriorAtCoords.
- floor_vinyl_01
- floor_vinyl_02
- floor_vinyl_03
- floor_vinyl_04
- floor_vinyl_05
- floor_vinyl_06
- floor_vinyl_07
- floor_vinyl_08
- floor_vinyl_09
- floor_vinyl_10
- floor_vinyl_11
- floor_vinyl_12
- floor_vinyl_13
- floor_vinyl_14
- floor_vinyl_15
- floor_vinyl_16
- floor_vinyl_17
- floor_vinyl_18
- floor_vinyl_19
Clubhouse 1
Interior ID: 246273
- Walls_01
- Walls_02
- Furnishings_01
- Furnishings_02
- Decorative_01
- Decorative_02
- Mural_01
- Mural_02
- Mural_03
- Mural_04
- Mural_05
- Mural_06
- Mural_07
- Mural_08
- Mural_09
- Mod_Booth
- Gun_Locker
- NO_Gun_Locker
- Cash_stash1
- Cash_stash2
- Cash_stash3
- Weed_stash1
- Weed_stash2
- Weed_stash3
- id_stash1
- id_stash2
- id_stash3
- coke_stash1
- coke_stash2
- coke_stash3
- meth_stash1
- meth_stash2
- meth_stash3
- counterfeit_stash1
- counterfeit_stash2
- counterfeit_stash3
Clubhouse 2
Interior ID: 246529
- Walls_01
- Walls_02
- Furnishings_01
- Furnishings_02
- Decorative_01
- Decorative_02
- Mural_01
- Mural_02
- Mural_03
- Mural_04
- Mural_05
- Mural_06
- Mural_07
- Mural_08
- Mural_09
- lower_walls_default
- Mod_Booth
- Gun_Locker
- NO_Gun_Locker
- Cash_small
- Cash_medium
- Cash_large
- Weed_small
- Weed_medium
- Weed_large
- id_small
- id_medium
- id_large
- coke_small
- coke_medium
- coke_large
- meth_small
- meth_medium
- meth_large
- counterfeit_small
- counterfeit_medium
- counterfeit_large
Meth Lab
Interior ID: 247041
- meth_lab_basic
- meth_lab_upgrade
- meth_lab_production
- meth_lab_security_high
- meth_lab_setup
- meth_lab_empty
Weed Farm
Interior ID: 247297
- weed_standard_equip
- weed_upgrade_equip
- weed_low_security
- weed_security_upgrade
- weed_set_up
- weed_chairs
- weed_production
- weed_drying
- weed_hosea
- weed_hoseb
- weed_hosec
- weed_hosed
- weed_hosee
- weed_hosef
- weed_hoseg
- weed_hoseh
- weed_hosei
- weed_growtha_stage1
- weed_growtha_stage2
- weed_growtha_stage3
- weed_growthb_stage1
- weed_growthb_stage2
- weed_growthb_stage3
- weed_growthc_stage1
- weed_growthc_stage2
- weed_growthc_stage3
- weed_growthd_stage1
- weed_growthd_stage2
- weed_growthd_stage3
- weed_growthe_stage1
- weed_growthe_stage2
- weed_growthe_stage3
- weed_growthf_stage1
- weed_growthf_stage2
- weed_growthf_stage3
- weed_growthg_stage1
- weed_growthg_stage2
- weed_growthg_stage3
- weed_growthh_stage1
- weed_growthh_stage2
- weed_growthh_stage3
- weed_growthi_stage1
- weed_growthi_stage2
- weed_growthi_stage3
- light_growtha_stage23_standard
- light_growthb_stage23_standard
- light_growthc_stage23_standard
- light_growthd_stage23_standard
- light_growthe_stage23_standard
- light_growthf_stage23_standard
- light_growthg_stage23_standard
- light_growthh_stage23_standard
- light_growthi_stage23_standard
- light_growtha_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthb_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthc_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthd_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthe_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthf_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthg_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthh_stage23_upgrade
- light_growthi_stage23_upgrade
Cocaine Lockup
Interior ID: 247553
- set_up
- security_low
- equipment_basic
- production_basic
- coke_press_basic
- table_equipment
- security_high
- equipment_upgrade
- production_upgrade
- coke_press_upgrade
- table_equipment_upgrade
- coke_cut_01
- coke_cut_02
- coke_cut_03
- coke_cut_04
- coke_cut_05
Counterfeit Cash Factory
Interior ID: 247809
- counterfeit_setup
- counterfeit_standard_equip
- counterfeit_standard_equip_no_prod
- counterfeit_low_security
- counterfeit_security
- counterfeit_upgrade_equip
- counterfeit_upgrade_equip_no_prod
- money_cutter
- special_chairs
- dryera_off
- dryera_on
- dryera_open
- dryerb_off
- dryerb_on
- dryerb_open
- dryerc_off
- dryerc_on
- dryerc_open
- dryerd_off
- dryerd_on
- dryerd_open
- counterfeit_cashpile10a
- counterfeit_cashpile10b
- counterfeit_cashpile10c
- counterfeit_cashpile10d
- counterfeit_cashpile20a
- counterfeit_cashpile20b
- counterfeit_cashpile20c
- counterfeit_cashpile20d
- counterfeit_cashpile100a
- counterfeit_cashpile100b
- counterfeit_cashpile100c
- counterfeit_cashpile100d
Document Forgery Office
Interior ID: 246785
- set_up
- production
- clutter
- equipment_basic
- security_low
- interior_basic
- equipment_upgrade
- security_high
- interior_upgrade
- chair01
- chair02
- chair03
- chair04
- chair05
- chair06
- chair07
Vehicle Warehouse
Interior ID: 252673
- basic_style_set
- urban_style_set
- branded_style_set
- door_blocker
- car_floor_hatch
Interior ID: 258561
- bunker_style_a
- bunker_style_b
- bunker_style_c
- standard_bunker_set
- upgrade_bunker_set
- standard_security_set
- security_upgrade
- office_blocker_set
- office_upgrade_set
- gun_locker_upgrade
- gun_range_blocker_set
- gun_wall_blocker
- gun_range_lights
- Gun_schematic_set
Smuggler's Run Hangar
Interior ID: 260353
- set_tint_shell
- set_crane_tint
- set_bedroom_tint
- set_lighting_tint_props
- set_modarea
- set_office_basic
- set_office_traditional
- set_office_modern
- set_bedroom_traditional
- set_bedroom_modern
- set_bedroom_clutter
- set_bedroom_blinds_closed
- set_bedroom_blinds_open
- set_floor_1
- set_floor_2
- set_floor_decal_1
- set_floor_decal_2
- set_floor_decal_3
- set_floor_decal_4
- set_floor_decal_5
- set_floor_decal_6
- set_floor_decal_7
- set_floor_decal_8
- set_floor_decal_9
- set_lighting_hangar_a
- set_lighting_hangar_b
- set_lighting_hangar_c
- set_lighting_wall_neutral
- set_lighting_wall_tint01
- set_lighting_wall_tint02
- set_lighting_wall_tint03
- set_lighting_wall_tint04
- set_lighting_wall_tint05
- set_lighting_wall_tint06
- set_lighting_wall_tint07
- set_lighting_wall_tint08
- set_lighting_wall_tint09
Avenger Interior
Interior ID: 262145
- shell_tint
- control_1
- control_2
- control_3
- weapons_mod
- vehicle_mod
- gold_bling
Interior ID: 269313
- set_int_02_shell
- set_int_02_lounge1
- set_int_02_lounge2
- set_int_02_lounge3
- set_int_02_no_sleep
- set_int_02_sleep
- set_int_02_sleep2
- set_int_02_sleep3
- set_int_02_no_security
- set_int_02_security
- set_int_02_no_cannon
- set_int_02_cannon
- set_int_02_decal_01
- set_int_02_decal_02
- set_int_02_decal_03
- set_int_02_decal_04
- set_int_02_decal_05
- set_int_02_decal_06
- set_int_02_decal_07
- set_int_02_decal_08
- set_int_02_decal_09
- set_int_02_trophy1
- set_int_02_trophy_iaa
- set_int_02_trophy_sub
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Panther1
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Panther2
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Panther3
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Riot1
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Riot2
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Riot3
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Cheno1
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Cheno2
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Cheno3
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Thruster1
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Thruster2
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Thruster3
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Avenger1
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Avenger2
- Set_Int_02_Parts_Avenger3
- set_int_02_clutter1
- set_int_02_clutter2
- set_int_02_clutter3
- set_int_02_clutter4
- set_int_02_clutter5
- set_int_02_crewemblem
- set_int_02_paramedic_complete
- set_int_02_forcedentry_complete
- set_int_02_aqualungs_complete
- set_int_02_daylightrob_complete
- set_int_02_burglary_complete
- set_int_02_flightrecord_complete
- Set_Int_02_outfit_paramedic
- Set_Int_02_outfit_morgue
- Set_Int_02_outfit_serverfarm
- Set_Int_02_outfit_iaa
- Set_Int_02_outfit_steal_avenger
- Set_Int_02_outfit_foundry
- Set_Int_02_outfit_riot_van
- Set_Int_02_outfit_stromberg
- Set_Int_02_outfit_sub_finale
- Set_Int_02_outfit_predator
- Set_Int_02_outfit_khanjali
- Set_Int_02_outfit_volatol
Interior ID: 271617
- Int01_ba_security_upgrade
- Int01_ba_equipment_setup
- Int01_ba_Style01
- Int01_ba_Style02
- Int01_ba_Style03
- Int01_ba_style01_podium
- Int01_ba_style02_podium
- Int01_ba_style03_podium
- int01_ba_lights_screen
- Int01_ba_Screen
- Int01_ba_bar_content
- Int01_ba_booze_01
- Int01_ba_booze_02
- Int01_ba_booze_03
- Int01_ba_dj01
- Int01_ba_dj02
- Int01_ba_dj03
- Int01_ba_dj04
- DJ_01_Lights_01
- DJ_01_Lights_02
- DJ_01_Lights_03
- DJ_01_Lights_04
- DJ_02_Lights_01
- DJ_02_Lights_02
- DJ_02_Lights_03
- DJ_02_Lights_04
- DJ_03_Lights_01
- DJ_03_Lights_02
- DJ_03_Lights_03
- DJ_03_Lights_04
- DJ_04_Lights_01
- DJ_04_Lights_02
- DJ_04_Lights_03
- DJ_04_Lights_04
- light_rigs_off
- Int01_ba_lightgrid_01
- Int01_ba_Clutter
- Int01_ba_equipment_upgrade
- Int01_ba_clubname_01
- Int01_ba_clubname_02
- Int01_ba_clubname_03
- Int01_ba_clubname_04
- Int01_ba_clubname_05
- Int01_ba_clubname_06
- Int01_ba_clubname_07
- Int01_ba_clubname_08
- Int01_ba_clubname_09
- Int01_ba_dry_ice
- Int01_ba_deliverytruck
- Int01_ba_trophy04
- Int01_ba_trophy05
- Int01_ba_trophy07
- Int01_ba_trophy09
- Int01_ba_trophy08
- Int01_ba_trophy11
- Int01_ba_trophy10
- Int01_ba_trophy03
- Int01_ba_trophy01
- Int01_ba_trophy02
- Int01_ba_trad_lights
- Int01_ba_Worklamps
Nightclub Warehouse
Interior ID: 271873
- Int02_ba_floor01
- Int02_ba_floor02
- Int02_ba_floor03
- Int02_ba_floor04
- Int02_ba_floor05
- Int02_ba_sec_upgrade_grg
- Int02_ba_sec_upgrade_strg
- Int02_ba_sec_upgrade_desk
- Int02_ba_storage_blocker
- Int02_ba_garage_blocker
- Int02_ba_FanBlocker01
- Int02_ba_equipment_upgrade
- Int02_ba_coke01
- Int02_ba_coke02
- Int02_ba_meth01
- Int02_ba_meth02
- Int02_ba_meth03
- Int02_ba_meth04
- Int02_ba_Weed01
- Int02_ba_Weed02
- Int02_ba_Weed03
- Int02_ba_Weed04
- Int02_ba_Weed05
- Int02_ba_Weed06
- Int02_ba_Weed07
- Int02_ba_Weed08
- Int02_ba_Weed09
- Int02_ba_Weed10
- Int02_ba_Weed11
- Int02_ba_Weed12
- Int02_ba_Weed13
- Int02_ba_Weed14
- Int02_ba_Weed15
- Int02_ba_Weed16
- Int02_ba_Forged01
- Int02_ba_Forged02
- Int02_ba_Forged03
- Int02_ba_Forged04
- Int02_ba_Forged05
- Int02_ba_Forged06
- Int02_ba_Forged07
- Int02_ba_Forged08
- Int02_ba_Forged09
- Int02_ba_Forged10
- Int02_ba_Forged11
- Int02_ba_Forged12
- Int02_ba_Cash01
- Int02_ba_Cash02
- Int02_ba_Cash03
- Int02_ba_Cash04
- Int02_ba_Cash05
- Int02_ba_Cash06
- Int02_ba_Cash07
- Int02_ba_Cash08
- Int02_ba_truckmod
- Int02_ba_truckmod
- Int02_ba_coke_EQP
- Int02_ba_Cash_EQP
- Int02_ba_Forged_EQP
- Int02_ba_meth_EQP
- Int02_ba_Weed_EQP
- Int02_ba_DeskPC
- Int02_ba_sec_desks_L1
- Int02_ba_sec_desks_L2345
- Int02_ba_sec_upgrade_desk02
- Int02_ba_clutterstuff
Terrorbyte Interior
Interior ID: 272129
- Int_03_ba_weapons_mod
- Int_03_ba_drone
- Int_03_ba_Design_01
- Int_03_ba_Design_02
- Int_03_ba_Design_03
- Int_03_ba_Design_04
- Int_03_ba_Design_05
- Int_03_ba_Design_06
- Int_03_ba_Design_07
- Int_03_ba_Design_08
- Int_03_ba_Design_09
- Int_03_ba_Design_10
- Int_03_ba_Design_11
- Int_03_ba_Design_12
- Int_03_ba_Design_13
- Int_03_ba_Design_14
- Int_03_ba_Design_15
- Int_03_ba_Design_16
- Int_03_ba_Design_17
- Int_03_ba_Design_18
- Int_03_ba_Design_19
- Int_03_ba_Design_20
- Int_03_ba_Design_21
- Int_03_ba_Design_22
- Int_03_ba_Design_23
- Int_03_ba_Design_24
- Int_03_ba_Design_25
- Int_03_ba_bikemod
- Int_03_ba_Tint
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig1
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig2
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig3
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig4
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig5
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig6
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig7
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig8
- Int_03_ba_Light_Rig9