
From RAGE Multiplayer Wiki



JavaScript Syntax


This property is used to get the element count of a pool.

Note: this property is read-only.

Available Entity Pools

The following are the main entity pools available on the RAGEMP, used for managing various game entities:

Entity Pool Description
mp.players Manages all connected players
mp.vehicles Manages all spawned vehicles
mp.objects Manages all created objects
mp.peds Manages all non-player characters (peds)
mp.markers Manages all markers in the game
mp.labels Manages all 3D text labels
mp.checkpoints Manages checkpoints
mp.blips Manages map blips
mp.colshapes Manages collision shapes


Number pool.length;


This example will return the count of vehicles and players, along with the number of "stuff" (if required entities are tracked):

let getEntityCounts = () => {
    return {
        players: mp.players.length,
        vehicles: mp.vehicles.length,
        objects: mp.objects.length,
        markers: mp.markers.length

let { players, vehicles, objects, markers } = getEntityCounts();
console.log(`The server has ${players} players, ${vehicles} vehicles, ${objects} objects, and ${markers} markers.`);

See Also