
From RAGE Multiplayer Wiki

* pos - coordinate where the spotlight is located
* dir - the direction vector the spotlight should aim at from its current position
* r,g,b - color of the spotlight
* distance - the maximum distance the light can reach
* brightness - the brightness of the light
* roundness - 'smoothness' of the circle edge
* radius - the radius size of the spotlight
* falloff - the falloff size of the light's edge (example:

Example in C# (spotlight aims at the closest vehicle):
Vector3 myPos = Game.Player.Character.Position;
Vehicle nearest = World.GetClosestVehicle(myPos , 1000f);
Vector3 destinationCoords = nearest.Position;
Vector3 dirVector = destinationCoords - myPos;
Function.Call(Hash.DRAW_SPOT_LIGHT, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, dirVector.X, dirVector.Y, dirVector.Z, 255, 255, 255, 100.0f, 1f, 0.0f, 13.0f, 1f);

Syntax, posY, posZ, dirX, dirY, dirZ, colorR, colorG, colorB, distance, brightness, roundness, radius, falloff);

Required Arguments

  • posX: float
  • posY: float
  • posZ: float
  • dirX: float
  • dirY: float
  • dirZ: float
  • colorR: int
  • colorG: int
  • colorB: int
  • distance: float
  • brightness: float
  • roundness: float
  • radius: float
  • falloff: float

Return value

  • Undefined


This example creates an illumination on top of the player and reflecting on the ground as well, light is flashing blue

let lightRender
function switchLight() {
  if (!lightRender) {
    // light ON
    lightRender = new mp.Event('render', ()=> {
      let pos = mp.players.local.position,pos.y,pos.z+10, 0,0,-1, 0,0,255, 20,20,5,10,1)
  } else {
    // light OFF
    lightRender = null
let lightInterval = setInterval(switchLight, 500)

See also