Category:Incomplete Functions
Incomplete Functions
This page is for incomplete functions.
If you find any pages with missing elements. Please add {{Incomplete_Functions}}, so that it can be documented. If you are able to provide the required elements to the page, then we will be very thankful for your contribution.
The Page should contain the following:
Table of Contents
Function/Event header
Function/Event header For functions: {{ServersideJsFunction}} or {{ClientsideJsFunction}} For events: {{ServersideJsEvent}} or {{ClientsideJsEvent}}
Language syntax container
{{JSContainer| }} {{CSharpContainer| }}
Syntax is required to be inside <pre></pre> and to be inside the language syntax container.
Required Arguments
Add each argument in a point with its type
*'''arg''': {{RageType|argType}} (extra description)
if its a required argument
*{{Required}}'''arg''': {{RageType|argType}} (extra description)
- *player: Object (Specified player object)
Examples are required to be inside its function's category
- Serverside:
{{ServersideCode| <pre>Code here</pre> }}
- Clientside:
{{ClientsideCode| <pre>Code here</pre> }}
- Shared:
{{SharedCode| <pre>Code here</pre> }}
Final Form
The outline should look like this
Server-Side Function
JavaScript |
JavaScript Syntax
Required Arguments
- *arg1: String (Random string)
- arg2: Int (Random integer)
// Example code here
Pages in category "Incomplete Functions"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.